What is IHCSA


In the wake of the remarkable improvement in Japan’s international status in the late 1960’s, it became increasingly important for Japan to play a more active role in promoting international peace, prosperity, and friendship. Indeed, other countries were beginning to place more expectations in Japan’s contribution. It was against this background that the International Hospitality and Conference Service Association (IHCSA) was established in April 1970 as a certified public-service corporation authorized by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. IHCSA’s role was to provide logistic support for international guests invited to Japan by the Foreign Ministry.

According to its constitution, IHCSA shall “contribute to international friendship between Japan and other countries by faciliating invitational diplomacy, international meetings, and other related activities of the government, as well as by promoting international mutual understanding in broard terms in response to government policies.

After registering with the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport as a travel agency (Permit No.162) in 1971, IHCSA began a full range of overseas passage business activities, including the issue of air tickets.
In 1972 IHCSA extended its services to international guests invited by The Japan Foundation, which was established in the same year. In 1973 the Foreign Ministry inaugurated a system of dispatching young civilians as support staff to Japan’s overseas diplomatic missions. At the request of the ministry, IHCSA has been involved in the recruitment, dispatching, and management of these staff.

It was also in 1973 when IHCSA began providing services to The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)* in connection with the the organization and implementation of predeparture language training for Japanese technical cooperation experts being sent to developing countries and general orientation lectures on Japan for technical trainees for developing countries. IHCSA also has been assisting consistantly in the implementation of “The Youth Invitation Programme” initiated by JICA in 1984.

In this way, IHCSA has been steadily expanding its range of services and activities. The association hopes to continue to provide effective logistic support in various stages of international exchange activities, making full use of the experience and know-how that it has gathered over the years.

*The organization was called the Overseas Technical Cooperation Agency in 1973 but changed its name to The Japan International Cooperation Agency in 1974.

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